abide in the silence
Blue Sage Ayurveda
of your true nature

Ayurveda LifeLab™

What is “Ayurveda LifeLab™ ?

Ayurveda LifeLab™ is our answer to addressing many of the challenges presenting today in our modern world while continuing to honor the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

The Creation of Ayurveda LifeLab™, and the resulting programs, are our response to the resounding health challenges and imbalances of modern times.  The approach is a contemporary perspective while applying the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda within the context of the current state of the world. Many of the classical references of traditional Ayurveda are ancient and historical in nature, and are of another time… a time that has long passed. As a result, modern day people are often challenged to understand the relevance, and may not understand the true references that are frequently made in how the foundational principles of Ayurveda are explained. What is now being coined as “New Ayurveda” is fast emerging and gaining momentum in public awareness through the writings of current authors and researchers that seek to further explore and explain Ayurvedic methodology. “New Ayurveda”, simply means… “Current” and relevant in a way that people of today can better understand and interact with. Our Ayurveda LifeLab™ programs help further this understanding via programs that engage direct perception and assist with helping make Ayurveda more “approachable”.

The year 2020 was a time of change and brought many things into focus, both in the world at large, and in our practice working with clients. Over the years, our offerings at Blue Sage Ayurveda, have continued to evolve with the times as well. As we continue offering the traditional methodology of Ayurvedic Pancha Karma and Rejuvenation programs, we are also pleased to announce the addition of our Ayurveda LifeLab™ approach as additional strategies and contemporary modalities emerge. You can think of Ayurveda LifeLab™ as our way of acknowledging and integrating new methodologies within the realm of energy medicine, sound therapy, light therapies, and quantum therapies, to name a few. These all contribute to health and healing and are not excluded by the principles of Ayurveda, but rather incorporated in our approach and application of Ayurvedic methodology.

Ayurveda LifeLab™ acknowledges the totality of life as a dynamic living process.…and that we, as a part of the web of life, are also dynamic living beings, on a journey to experience wholeness.  

There is a popular notion currently circulating in popular media that purports that life can be “hacked”. We believe that life is NOT something to be “hacked” or something to be thrown aside in an effort to find “shortcuts”. Do we really have something better to “do” than fully live and experience this life? Where has this idea come from?… How is it that so many, collectively, now believe that life is something that we need to “hack” through as soon as possible?  This sincerely bodes the question… What are we rushing towards???

We believe that this is an important question that we must ask ourselves if there is any hope of finding a life of true balance that can result in peace of mind and ease of being.  As a integral part of Blue Sage Ayurveda LifeLab™ programs, our intention, is to assist you in creating ways that compel as many “Symptoms of Wellness” as you desire. Working in this way, you can manifest your optimal lifestyle.

You may ask, “What do we mean by Symptoms of Wellness?” Simply put, this represents symptoms or expressions of balance that you may experience, such as healthy digestion and elimination, vitality in your daily life (having energy), having deeper sleep cycles and waking rested, reduction or elimination of inflammatory states (systemic inflammation) and overall greater peace of mind (calmness). In other words, when there are fewer or no imbalances present, you feel better and are more free to pursue your highest potential to live a healthy life!

Ayurveda is rooted in the fundamental core principle(s) that maintaining and balancing sufficient agni, or “fire”, is key to health, well-being, prosperity and longevity.  It can be said that the majority of health crisis’ we now face today are the result of weakened digestive fire (agni), and the (potential) state of systemic inflammation.  With this in mind, the body may express symptoms that may show up as the inability to assimilate nutrients, poor elimination patterns, excessive gas and bloating, mental and emotional imbalances, skin conditions, weakened detoxification and immune functions, chronic aches and pains, fatigue and low energy, disturbed sleep and dis-regulated blood sugar, to name a few.

Traditionally, Ayurveda recommends seasonal cleansing to reset digestive fire on a regular (yearly) basis to unburden our bodies from the toxic load and stressors that may be contributing to overall health imbalances. Ayurvedic cleansing and detoxification involves preparing the body to “clean house” by slowly eliminating and or moderating foods and drinks that may be contributing to a weakened digestive fire. This is accomplished by ingesting ghee internally, and taking herbal and or oil laxatives that flush accumulated toxins from the digestive tract. To help flush and encourage the movement of toxins from the lymphatic system, daily self-oil massage is incorporated. Each of these processes helps to rejuvenate our digestive fire and assists in arriving at a place of strength and balance.

Seasonal Ayurvedic cleansing contributes to more energy, increased clarity, shedding excess weight, improved digestion, reducing systemic inflammation, less body pain, mental and emotional stability, improved quality of sleep, immune resiliency, fewer seasonal allergies, and an improved relationship with food.

Join us in person for an on-site customized immersion program designed for your needs, or online for an Ayurveda LifeLab™ 10 day Home Cleanse.
